Landowners should be on the watch for damaging Fall Armyworm
populations on hayfields, pastures, lawns, and sports turf fields. Fall
armyworms are not able to survive our winters, but they fly up from south
Florida and Central America each spring. The moths can fly and are
carried on wind currents to North Alabama. The moths lay eggs which
develop into tiny caterpillars or “worms”. These caterpillars grow
rapidly, and during the last stages will voraciously eat the plant material
they need for food. After two to three weeks they caterpillars will be
about one inch long, and then they burrow into the ground and pupate. In
10 to 14 days they emerge from the soil as an adult moth. The entire life
cycle can be as short as four weeks.
Several cattlemen in this area have reported hayfields being
severely damaged by armyworms. There has been at least one sports turf
field at a school that had to be sprayed for armyworms to prevent damage.
One of the best ways to monitor for armyworm activity is to use a sweep net to
check for the small worms. However, many landowners only discover the
worms when they reach the largest size. When caterpillars discovered at
this late stage, they are doing a lot of damage and are hard to kill.
Cattlemen will often cut a hayfield that is being damaged by armyworms to
salvage the hay. In other instances, spraying an insecticide is the best
course of action. If you would like more information on the life cycle,
control tips, and insecticide recommendations, give us a call at (205)