Friday, July 19, 2024

Minutes of July Meeting

The Winston County Natural Resources Council met on Thursday, July 18, at the Natural Bridge Picnic Area.  The following members were present Chris Horne, Andy Scott, Matt Hannah, Casey Hammack, John Creed, Mike Henshaw, Brad Nail, Mark Finley, Lauranne James, and Sheriff Caleb Snoddy.  The primary topic was the upcoming landowner field day to be held at the Natural Bridge Picnic Area, and the following was discussed about the field day:

  • The date for the landowner filed day is Friday, September 27.  The nearby private forestland property is owned by Horace Ward.  An agenda and the logistics were discussed.  At the Ward Property, the topics will include loblolly pine replacement species, wildlife openings, and the current pine beetle situation, and  NRCS EQIP oak planting practice.  The hardwood area on this property is difficult to access by tour trailers, but it could be an option for some to walk down to the hardwood area on the Ward property.  At the Natural Bridge Picnic Area, the topics would be Native American Heritage, Bluff Shelters - what to do and not do, Oak Savannah Management
  • Parking, registration, and welcome will be at the Picnic Area, then move everyone by carpooling or by tour trailers to the Ward Property
  • Lunch will be at the Picnic Area followed by the topics to be covered along the trail at picnic area.
  • Lunch will be a cook out style similar to the last field day
  • Portable toilets will be rented for the Ward Property
  • Lauranne said NW Ala RC&D will be glad to assist with Landowner Field Day promotional materials that council members could share on social media.

    Other items discussed included:

    • Surplus Property for Veteran Owned Businesses and Farms - Mike
    • Sheriff Caleb Snoddy dropped in and said they were looking for a lost hiker and was checking the area.
    • The Council's Tax Exempt Status and next steps to complete another IRS Form - Casey and Matt
    • 2025 Learn and Burns in Winston County Area - Brad
    • 50th Anniversary TREASURE Forest Conference, October 2-4, Gulf Shores State Park - Mark
    • Linwood Butler was recently named as the next Forest Supervisor for the National Forests in Alabama - Andy
    • There will be a large plane-type drone flying over the Bankhead Area soon that will be gathering atmospheric data.  The 22 foot wingspan plane will be flying lower than ordinary small planes and will be louder than normal aircraft.  It will be followed by a manned aircraft flying at higher altitude.  Andy said they are trying to get the word out so that the public will not be alarmed by the unusual drone plane.
    • The USFS is on high alert nation-wide concerning fire fighting needs due to conditions in the western US - Andy
    • Cogongrass workshop being held today in Colbert County, and Lauranne said that RC&D would be interested in having one in this area at a later date, possibly in the Spring.
    • Matt related his experiences on this trip out west concerning firewood restrictions which were very strict as he entered California.  Andy said NASCAR and College Football tailgating activities were a big factor in forest pests moving long distances via firewood.
    Matt moved that the meeting be adjourned, and John seconded.  All approved and the meeting was adjourned.

    Mike Henshaw - Secretary, WCNRC

    Tuesday, July 16, 2024

    July 18th Meeting of the WCNRC

    The next meeting will be held at the Natural Bridge Picnic Area on Thursday, July 18, at 9:30 a.m.  This site is on County Road 63 near Houston, and is not the same as the Natural Bridge Park near the town of Natural Bridge.  See this link for a map to the site:

    The primary purpose for our meeting will be to plan the next landowner field day that will tentatively be held at the Natural Bridge Picnic Area and on a nearby private landowner's property.

    Look forward to seeing you there, 

    Mike Henshaw, Secretary - WCNRC

    Thursday, June 20, 2024

    Minutes of June 20 Council Meeting


    The Winston County Natural Resources Council met on Thursday, June 20, 2024, at the U. S. Forest Service Office in Double Springs.  The following members were present: Jamie Segroves, Casey Hammack, Mark Finley, Allison Cochran, Zack Brannon, Amberia Spiller, Lauranne James, Paul Green, Maggie Johnston (seated), and John Creed.  Not pictured are Mike Henshaw, Andy Scott, Heather Tucker, and Amy Melson.

    The following topics were discussed:

    • Introductions of everyone present.  Heather Tucker is beginning her new role as the Executive Director of the Wild Alabama, a role formerly filled by Maggie Johnston.  Many council members have worked with Heather in her position as and educator and principal with the Winston County Board of Education and we look forward to working with her in this new role.
    • Review of Youth Fishing Derby activities, costs, income, partners, sponsors.  65 children attended and all caught fish.  Approximately 150 people attended, counting adults.  Top prize was a lifetime fishing license.  Allison said she would like to see more educational exhibits or booths, the archery activity was missing this year due scheduling conflicts.  More promotion of the derby in balance with the capacity of the site will be considered next year.  Networking ideas included Fresh Air Families, and Black Kids Adventure.
    • We also reviewed the recent Landowner Field Day at Riley Jacobs' Property.  Everyone agreed that the topics were timely and all the attendees and the landowner enjoyed the visit.
    • An extended discussion about the current pine beetle situation was lead by Andy and Jamie.  Lots of pine beetle activity is being observed on both private and public pine forests.  Drone video was shown of some pine beetle activity in a young pine plantation.
    • Zack announced that the annual Tomato Sandwich Day would be held on July 12, behind the Bankfirst Building in downtown Double Springs from 10:00 am till supplies run out.
    • Lauranne said the NW RC&D Council's Grant Applications are online now and they will be accepting application until June 30.  Casey is working on an grant proposal from the WCNRC.
    • NATR will be hosting an EXPO September 28.  
    • Matt Hannah sent word that he would miss this meeting because he was RV'ing in Arizona.
    • Mark said the TREASURE Forest program was celebrating its 50th Anniversary this year.
    • Paul brought up a possible site for a landowner tour on private land near the Natural Bridge Recreation Site near Houston.  Funding is available until October, and the council would like to pursue this opportunity.  A tentative date of Friday, September 28, was set for the tour.  The next council meeting will be held at the Natural Bridge Recreation Site on July 18.
    • Zack said FAWN will be held in early October at the Houston Recreation Area.  Exact dates TBD.
    • Andy said Forest Service items included beetle update, Bear Creek Trail restoration, Flint Creek temporary closure, Western wildfires, and new Alabama Forest Supervisor will be announced soon.
    • Allison gave an update on the discovery of a four-toed salamander in the Black Pond area.  This a rare species rarely seen in Alabama.
    • Maggie gave an update on Wild Alabama activities and on her retirement and the hiring of Heather Tucker.
    • Casey said the balance in the treasury was $5,531.99.
    The next meeting will be held at 9:30 a.m. at the Natural Bridge Recreation Area on County Road 63 near Houston, on Thursday, July 18.

    Mike Henshaw

    Secretary, WCNRC

    Tuesday, June 18, 2024

    Council Meeting on June 20

    The Winston County Natural Resource Council meets on the third Thursday monthly.  In June, our meeting is planned for Thursday, June 20th, at the Bankhead National Forest office in Double Springs.  The meeting begins at 9:00 am.  Topics will include recent Forestry Field Day and Youth Fishing Derby.

    Monday, June 10, 2024

    Forestry Field Day and Youth Fishing Derby

    The Winston County Natural Resources Council recently helped conduct two successful outdoor events, the Forestry Field Day and the Youth Fishing Derby.  Here are links to two photo albums from the events:

    Forestry Field Day

    Youth Fishing Derby

    Mark your calendars for our next meeting on Thursday, June 20, at the U. S. Forest Office in Double Springs.

    Thanks to all the sponsors of both events!

    Tuesday, May 21, 2024

    Friday, May 17, 2024

    Minutes of May Council Meeting

    The Winston County Natural Resources Council met on Thursday, May 16, on the Riley Jacobs Property in the Moreland Community.  The following members were present: John Creed, Jamie Segroves, Chris Horne, Paul Green, not pictured are Zac Brannon and Mike Henshaw.  The following topics were discussed:

    • Brown Spot Needle Blight on loblolly pines.  Jamie related the latest pathology concerning the fungal disease and how it could stress loblolly pines and set them up for future pine beetle infestations.
    • Chris said that Greg Bushey will be working to set up the 2024 Fishing Derby at the Black Warrior Work Center on Saturday, June 8.  Zac said that he would seek funds from the Winston County Commission to support the derby.  Mike moved to approve up to $1,500 if needed for the prizes and food for the derby.  John seconded, and all approved.
    • Jamie gave an update on the Council's tax exempt status.  Casey and Matt Hannah have been working on additional IRS forms that will require approximately $200 to complete.  Zac moved to approve up to $300 for said forms, John seconded and all approved.
    • The six stations of the Forestry Field Day and their locations were finalized:
      • Update on the Pine Beetle Outbreak
      • Water Quality
      • Hunter Safety/Wildlife Openings
      • Wildlife Management in Pines
      • Prescribed Burns
      • Feral Swine Control and USDA incentive programs
    • A discussion of logistical issues including food, signage, shelters, passenger trailers, portable toilets, and emergency services.
    • Jamie said the Alabama Forestry Commission celebrated its 100th Anniversary in Millbrook this week, and over 250 Forestry Commission employees were in attendance.
    • Chris said the Forest Service still had a few prescribed burns scheduled for this year dependent on weather conditions.

    The Field Day Walk-thru will be on Wednesday, May 29, at 9:30 am, at the Riley Jacobs Property.

    Mike Henshaw, Secretary